PoM's diary in Cebu;)


Scene Three Jan 28 2016

(Scene Three)

Narrator: Well, it looks to me like Hugo may have a little bit harder time catching the pigs than he first thought. Let's check in on Higgle and see how he is coming along with his house.

Higgle: (standing beside twig house) Figaro, figaro, figaro...home sweet home, home sweet home, home sweet home...

Niggle: (enters running) Higgle, oh Higgle! The wolf is after me! The wolf is after me! Where can we hide?

Higgle: Now don't you worry about a thing, little Niggle. I've built a fine, strong house. Just come on inside and relax. No one will get us here. (while delivering the last line the two pigs disappear into Higgle's house)

Hugo: (Pops up on stage, laughs) Clever, clever wolf. By letting the first one go, I've laid a trap to catch two in one blow. Piggies, piggies, don't be clowns. If you don't come out, I'll huff and puff and I'll blow your house down. (laughs)

H&N: Not by the hair on our chinny chin chins.

Hugo: Okay kids, you asked for it. (huffs with great drama; same action as before with house disappearing in quick, clean action) You're not going to get away from me this time! (Niggle starts to run, Hugo stops and turns around) Oh, a wise guy, hun? (takes off after Higgle; Niggle repeats the bump in the back trick)

Niggle: Na na na na na. (Hugo chases Niggle off stage; Higgle follows them both; all three come running off the stage)

Higgle: whew! That was too close for comfort. Come on, Niggle. Walter will know what to do. (both pigs run off stage in the opposite direction from Hugo's exit)

Hugo: (returns on stage from the same side he exited) Now where did those pigs go? (follows pigs off stage running)

(end scene three)

